Verify ( or change) the host name and node name. 验证(或更改)主机名和节点名。
One at a time, enter the host names ( or IP addresses) of the application servers, then click Add Node. 逐个输入应用服务器的主机名(或者IP地址),随后单击AddNode。
One or more host names can be derived based on the node name of the system. 可以基于系统的节点名派生出一个或多个主机名。
And since each node should be configured with a host name that corresponds to the node name, network access is simplified, as well. 由于每个节点都应该配置一个与节点名对应的主机名,因此也简化了网络访问。
Load-balancing clusters are commonly used for busy Web sites where several nodes host the same site, and each new request for a Web page is dynamically routed to a node with a lower load. 负载均衡集群通常会在非常繁忙的Web站点上采用,它们有多个节点来承担相同站点的工作,每个获取Web页面的新请求都被动态路由到一个负载较低的节点上。
Normally, each node has a host name that is identical to the node name. 在一般情况下,每个节点有一个与节点名相同的主机名。
In this step, you need to specify the host and port for the node. 在此步骤中,您需要为节点指定主机和端口。
If the node will be started on a machine different from the domain manager's host, then the host name of the machine where the node is run needs to be specified instead of localhost. 如果将在与域管理器的主机不同的计算机上启动节点,则需要指定将运行节点的计算机的名称,而不是指定localhost。
An operating system ( OS) instance may have many different host names, but only one node name. 一个操作系统实例可以有许多不同的主机名,但是只能有一个节点名。
The two fundamental differences are that libvirt calls the physical host a node, and the guest operating system is called a domain. 两个根本区别在于,libvirt将物理主机称作节点,将来宾操作系统称作域。
Each node is configured using a contribution, a composite, and the properties of the environment, like host and port, where the node is run. 每个节点使用某个贡献包、某个组合和运行节点的环境的属性(例如主机和端口)进行配置。
A host name should be viewed as being independent from any node, managed system, or data center. 应该认为主机名是独立于任何节点、受管理系统或数据中心的。
Node URI: This specifies the host and the port where you want to run the node. NodeURI:此选项指定您希望用于运行节点的主机和端口。
From this information you can determine the host node for the clustered mailbox server and the services that are currently not functioning because of failures or administrative actions. 通过这些信息可以确定群集邮箱服务器的主机节点以及当前由于故障或管理操作而未运行的服务。
A host node is provided with an I/ O port and a display monitor. 主机节点是由输出入埠和一个显示器所提供。
It put forward the idea to realize the methodology from host, node, protocol, and some problems that need attention. 并从主机、节点、协议等多方面给出了实现该方法的思路及一些需要注意的问题。
The requests of cloud computing user were mapped to the host by elected root node, and the on-demand operations of creating, deleting, and stopping a virtual machine were achieved. 利用选举的根节点映射云计算用户请求至宿主机,实现节点上虚拟机的按需创建、删除及停止等操作。
System call is hooked to secure the resource of host firewall, it solves the problem of node invalidation in DFW with the heart-beat mechanism; 通过对系统调用的拦截,实现了对自身资源的安全监控,并与心跳序列机制相结合,为分布式防火墙系统的节点失效问题提供了一种从防范、发现到响应的比较完善的解决方案;
The client of the system, which runs in each host computer, inspects every node's status, collect log record, and send the log information which has been added time stamp to server. 该系统客户端运行在各主机上,负责监控各节点运行状态,并收集日志记录,在打时间戳后发送到服务器端;
These typical computer systems are valuable for the fault tolerant design of network servers, host computers, and communication node computers for computer networks. 它们对于计算机网络中网络服务器、主机和通信节点机的容错设计都具有良好的参考价值。
The software flow chart includes initialization with eCAN, received message of external node by host node, transmitted message to CAN the CAN bus node by host node s and other ones. 软件流程含eCAN初始化、主节点接收外部节点信息、主节点和其它节点向另外CAN节点发送信息。
As host mobile node must run application program belongs to user; 作为主机,移动节点需要运行面向用户的应用程序;
The host security services package which can provide local network security services is resident in the target host computer itself, the services include data encryption, network node authentication, IPSec protocol encapsulation, IKE key exchange, real-time application of the encryption module under streams mechanism, etc. 提出了能在主机上提供本地网络安全保护功能的主机安全服务包,如数据密码保护、网络结点认证、IPSec协议封装、IKE密钥协商、流机制下加密模块的实时化应用等。
It can transmit the order and data from host computer to each node of the CAN bus. 可以将PC机的命令和数据转发给各个节点;
In the host computer monitor; you can monitor the leakage gas concentration of each node of network and other important parameters of wireless communication. 在上位机监控界面中可以监测到网络中每个节点的泄露气体浓度和其他一些重要的无线通信参数及性能指标。
Each host is a node, and super node with strong performance, and the others are the common nodes. 模型中,以性能强的结点作为超级结点,其他的为普通结点。
The control system consists of host computer, the master node, all child nodes. 该控制系统由上位机、主控节点、各个子节点组成。
The system is consisted in one host node ( CPU), one force limiter controlling node, one upper rotation platform slave node, two bottom rotation platform slave nodes, two supporting structure intelligent slave nodes and ten minimum system nodes. 该系统系统由1个主节点(中央处理单元)、1个力限器控制节点、1个上转台从结点、2个下转台从结点、2个下车智能从结点和10个最小系统节点组成。
Focus on voice and appearance simplified explanation of the narrative host node, as well as site sound to promote the role of narrative. 声音中重点探讨解说的简化和出镜主持人的叙事节点作用,以及同期声推动叙事的作用。
VM live migration allows system to transfer a running VM from the physical host node to another one seamlessly and the whole migration process is completely transparent and unperceived to the user. 虚拟机动态迁移允许系统将一台正在运行的虚拟机从一个物理节点无缝地迁移到另外一个物理节点,而整个迁移过程是对用户完全透明和不可感知的。